Final Words

During the initial testing portion of our review, we had several issues with creating a stable multi-tuner Roslyn SageTV 2.0 server, and at no time, did we have the same issues as with Beyond TV 3. For whatever reason, there was a hardware conflict that we were not able to track down. We notified Frey of the issue and were told that they were working on it. Apparently, it has been limited to new hardware, since they haven't encountered the issue until now. Before we even contacted Frey, we were swapping in and out P4 motherboards, memory, video cards (from old MX to 9800s), as well as tweaking various BIOS settings (i.e. HT), to no avail. The odd thing was that we were actually able to predict when SageTV 2.0 would crash, and if we followed a specific procedure, we could cause the system to be semi-stable until the next system restart.

If we set a program to record then watch another program, we get a blank screen on the second program selected. The first program selected is correctly displayed with the feed coming in from the Roslyn card in the lowest PCI slot. If we set a program to record, then record another program, and then select the second recorded program to watch, we would get a SageTV 2.0 crash. If we repeat this last step, sometimes we would get the multi-tuner environment to work, but it didn't work all the time.

When we went to a single tuner per system (server or client) environment, everything was fine. We don't have that many tuners compatible with SageTV 2.0 floating around in the labs, but we were told by Frey that this problem was limited to multi-tuners systems using Roslyn cards. Recently, Frey issued a fix via a new .dll file and posted it in their forums as well as recompiled their installation .exe for SageTV 2.0.20, and you probably should try V2.0.20 first as Frey recommends. So, we went back to SageTV 2.0 and tried our hand again at two Rosyln cards in a multi-tuner state, and voila, it worked! After several days of testing, we didn't seem to have any of the issues that we noticed with our past use.

Though, as recently as yesterday (7/24/04), Dan Kardatzke (Frey's President) mentioned that there are problems with Roslyn cards and SageTV 2.0's auto-brightness settings. While we did not encounter multi-tuner problems with the fix for Roslyn cards, we did notice a few a few odd things in terms of brightness compared to some of our other cards (read about some of the specific issues in their forums). Dan and Jeff Kardatzke (Jeff's the coder) plan to phase out the bundles that include Roslyn cards and replace them with another card in the upcoming few weeks. So what you see in the future may not be referred to as "Blackbird" something bundle.

As a MCE 2004 replacement, we find that SageTV 2.0 takes a lot of serious strides, but it still has a lot of work before it catches up completely. As we already mentioned, the UI is not necessarily displeasing or appealing, more neutral than anything else. This is even more so for the TV window, audio playback window, or video playback window. The information windows like the track slider, volume, etc. are blocky and don't integrate well with the TV environment. As a MCE alternative/TiVo replacement, there needs to be a better flare for the aesthetics, something just as important as the functionality, which Frey has pretty much down.

We have been told by Frey's that SageTV 2.0 is coded on a structure that supports skins, and we have been told and seen that some of SageTV 2.0's users have "hacks" that mimic the MCE 2004 to the teeth. However, Frey's doesn't support their use in these sense that they don't provide support if the skin doesn't work as said, but they will provide support if the skin "damages" the core functionality of software. Keep in mind that a skin is kind of two parts: the user interface and the functionality (i.e. a skin can add new functions like looking up weather). Any support provided by Frey for skins beyond this is done on a case by case basis. This is one users' series of skins skin sample 1, sample 2, and sample 3 (user's website). At the moment, we see SageTV 2.0 as a product for the couch potato enthusiast, a crowd for which we would limit our recommending this product to. For them to cross to the mainstream crowd, there needs to be more UI development.

Personally, we can take a program and understand everything about that program, including "cheats" and shortcuts, within less than an hour without any need for a manual. With Beyond TV 3, we did exactly that, but with SageTV 2.0, it was a bit of a challenge to understand how everything works. And for those with our same tack for programs, we still recommend that you read up on the tips and tricks section in Frey's support section for SageTV 2.0 and/or read the Readme file a bit more thoroughly the first time around.

If you are looking for a really easy way to watch TV, we would recommend Beyond TV 3. It is a no fuss program that supports many more TV tuners on the market than SageTV 2.0. If you are creating a TV server that has clients that will still function as personal computers, Beyond TV 3 is still the way to go. There is no charge for additional clients and virtually any computer, so long as it supports windows media player, and can watch streaming TV. Clients alone as a XPC stationed next to your TV/projector in your living room don't work well as a TiVo replacement, since streaming TV content and remote recording almost always require a keyboard. A SageTV 2.0 server is probably more practical in this sense, and there is no limit to the number of servers that you are able to put on your local network, as long as you purchase a license key for each system.

If you want a multi-tuner multimedia server, SageTV 2.0 is the only way to go at the moment, though SnapStream says their new BTV 3.5 version (scheduled for release in about a month or so) features multi-tuner support and BTV networking clients in addition to TV streaming over IE, called BTV Link (which should be like SageTV 2.0 server client setup). The problem that we see with SageTV 2.0 is that you need to continuously pay for additional clients or configure clients to use the key purchased and the restrictions imposed on supported tuners. As a multimedia server or client, it functions great as a basis for an XPC stationed in your living room, though StreamZap's remote still doesn't give have the same functionality as we can get with Remote Wonder and Beyond TV 3 (you can use Remote Wonder with SageTV 2.0 via a supplied plugin on Frey's website).

Either way, both Beyond TV 3 and SageTV 2.0 (server, client, and recorder) are available as trial versions with no particular usage limitations other than time, which is why we would heavily recommend that you try out each one if you are having a hard time deciding between the two. Though, if you plan to get SageTV 2.0, you might as well wait till the new bundle phases in.

We have been hearing some good things about SnapStream's Beyond Media, which supposedly is SageTV 2.0's true competitor, but until we get it in-house to judge, the only MCE alternative that actually gives similar features is SageTV 2.0. It is one thing to provide an alternative to MCE 2004, but it is quite another thing to provide an alternative just as good as MCE 2004. Though we will admit, Microsoft could probably pick up a thing or two from this little guy (i.e. Intelligent Recording). Frey is having things a bit easy, since competition to fill the gap is virtually nil, but with SnapStream joining the fray, we hopefully should see more solid and well-honed products from both companies.

SageTV Recorder 1.5
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  • Lawranch - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    FYI Microsoft announced it will release MCE 2004 into the system builders channel later this year. It requires a hardware MPEG2 encoder so you won't be able to use the All-in Wonders.
  • MlbDude - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    Other items that become apparent when you spend more time with it:

    If you change channels while watching a show then come back, you can time-shift back to the part of the show you watched before.

    If you are watching a show and decide you want to keep it, just select record and you got it.

    Intelligent Recording is a major feature, and should not be overlooked.

    Setting a show as watched not only affects IR, but that episode will not be recorded again.

    How about something about the different grouping options in Sage Recordings? It is great to view my recordings by category.

    Just a few things that every PVR should have that you don't notice at first.
  • Yelapaboy - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    I bought the Sage TV Blackbird bundle + one client (not the 2 tuner bundle) to replace my AIW 7500 as I upgraded my bedroom box with old components from main PC which included 9700 Pro, P4T-E, 512MB RDRAM, and 2.4 Northwood @2.64. I could not be more pleased. What I wanted was something for my bedroom TV that would work perfectly with a remote, something MMC rarely gave me, mainly because of on and off Guide Plus bugs that often rendered the MMC front-end all but useless.

    Sage TV was IMO a no-brainer install and was completely functional in just 5-10 minutes. I was rather impressed by the client install, click the .exe, enter name of computer on network with Sage TV installed and that was it, it automatically chose the previously installed Sonic Cineplayer as the video decoder. I am also extremely pleased with the quality of the recordings.

    I have only lived with it for a week but has been so far flawless, one of the things I love is I absolutely don't have to think about or fiddle with it, unlike my quite extensive experience with MMC and Guide+.

    Sage TV I realize has a number of great customizations and tweaks but for my basic use with TV in bedroom and with the client on main PC, I just don't need them so far.

    I do have a HTPC in my living-room connected to an HDTV and I can see how Sage has some compelling reasons for use with a HTPC/HDTV setup but as I use a wireless keyboard and mouse for the many different programs I use for Music TV and DVD and get great results with the AIW 9700 in that system (don't use the MMC front end at all in HTPC) I really have no compelling reason to go to Sage there, also I plan on keeping the AIW 9700 used in HTPC for quite some time.
  • Opus4 - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    <<#10 - We went over part of that in the guide and schedule recording sections. It is kind of scattered a bit between the two, since we went over the software in more of a sequential manner.>>

    If you are referring to Intelligent Recording (IR, for short), I don't see it there. I do see comments regarding shows being marked as Watched or Don't Like, but nothing relating how that affects the IR option seen in the 2nd image on Page 15 "Detailed Setup". In my opinion, that is another one of the big advantages of SageTV at the moment -- while other software may have such a feature at some point in the future, I don't think there is any other Windows PVR software that does it currently. With IR turned on, SageTV will automatically schedule recordings it thinks will fit your viewing preferences. I won't claim that it is perfect, but it does a pretty good job for me now.
  • AndrewKu - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    #9 - I will have to go back and double check on that.

    #10 - We went over part of that in the guide and schedule recording sections. It is kind of scattered a bit between the two, since we went over the software in more of a sequential manner.
  • Opus4 - Sunday, July 25, 2004 - link

    Maybe I didn't spend enough time with the review to see this, but I don't recall seeing anything about SageTV's Intelligent Recording feature either, where it will record shows that it thinks you would like to see, based on what you've watched and what you've said you don't like. I thought this was pointless at first, but I find that between it and my favorites, I hardly ever even bother to look at any sort of TV guide any more.

    Also, one advantage of making full use of hardware encoders and decoders is that I am able to use something as old & slow as a P2-400 to record with 2 tuners and playback via an Xcard (for decoding) with cpu use remaining extremely low -- and this is with 2 shows recording at the same time, a different show playing on the old server, and yet another show being streamed to my client. Quite nice. :)
  • MlbDude - Sunday, July 25, 2004 - link

    Then bring up the options menu and select Schedule Display: Parallel.

    Lots of little things like that hidden throughout. But I guess that is the problem is that they are kind of "hidden".

    Just another quick tip, in detailed setup you can store the IP or machine name of the server if you are using the client.
  • AndrewKu - Sunday, July 25, 2004 - link

    #6 - Whew... we spent a ton of time with this thing; I hope we didn't miss anything :). I think the second view you are talking about is the "view upcoming recording schedule" which should be under the "schedule" section.

    In one form or another, we pretty much have gone through and taken a snapshot of every single visible page in SageTV 2.0, minus the sub pages in the detailed setup section of the software title.
  • cosmotic - Sunday, July 25, 2004 - link

    whats wrong with d-link?
  • MlbDude - Sunday, July 25, 2004 - link

    I would liked to have seen you spend a Little more time with the product. I know it may be limited, but most of your dislikes are completely configurable if you tried a little harder. Just one example, complaint about the upcoming recordings display. There are two views! The one you tried and the other list view.

    Also, the mods out for SageTV are very important and should not be discounted. Here is mine, so I may be biased :).

    Even more has been added, but that is something to start with.

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