As can be seen with the Quake III Arena benchmarks, the ASUS V6800 Deluxe is the fastest GeForce based card we have seen yet. The graphs show the extreme performance differences between the SDR based cards (represented above by our fastest SDR card, the ASUS V6600 Deluxe) and the DDR based cards. The performance difference is magnified even more at higher colors and resolutions, as these situations can take even more advantage of the high memory clock speeds. Also noteworthy is the fact that overclocking the card did not result in large performance gains until higher resolutions and more colors were enabled in the game. This is most likely due to the fact that the card is already traveling as fast as it can at lower resolutions. The card does not appear to be taxed until 800x600x32, resulting in larger performance gains here when overclocked.

The Test Unreal Tournament Performance
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