ASUS V7100/T GeForce2 MX

by Matthew Witheiler on September 7, 2000 4:06 AM EST

OpenGL Performance - Quake III Arena - Pentium III 550E


The ASUS V7100 performs nearly identically to every other GeForce2 MX card we have seen thus far. This places it essentially between a GeForce 256 DDR and a GeForce 256 SDR in performance, making it quite a good bargain. Upon examining the graphs, one will notice that the 32-bit performance of the MX based V7100 is substantially less powerful than the DDR based cards. This is a result of the extremely limited memory bandwidth that MX based products contain, a fact that slows down the card significantly. Since our graphs are still sorted by 16-bit color, the performance difference between the MX and the DDR cards is not as pronounced. Look for our sorting options to change in our next major card review.

The real potential of all MX based products is not seen until the card is overclocked and the memory bottleneck is shrunk, a fact described in detail in our Overclocking the GeForce2 MX guide. Check out the overclocking section of this review to see what kind of performance can be squeezed out of the budget MX.

The Test Direct3D Performance - Unreal Tournament - Pentium III 550E
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